Applications for the Project Manager Post have now Closed
Castle Loch Lochmaben Community Trust
Scottish Charity SCIO 044045
Background information to the Castle Loch Development Project
The Trust was established in 2013 as part of an attempt to purchase Castle Loch for the benefit of the community. An application was made to the Scottish Land Fund and a grant has been made to cover the cost of the Loch and provide some revenue funding to support the employment of a Project Manager. Provision is also made for the cost of technical surveys, business planning, training, events and running costs.
Castle Loch is an important environmental and recreational resource for the Lochmaben area. Local people make considerable use of the footpath along the west side of the Loch and those interested in wildlife come from far afield to see the wide range and rare species using the Loch and surrounding woodland. Castle Loch is also an exceptional coarse fishery and anglers travel from all parts of northern England and Scotland. The Loch is home to the Annandale Sailing Club who hold races and training events throughout the spring, summer and autumn.
Castle Loch and the surrounding land cover some 107 ha of which 35 ha is woodland, meadow and marshland. The Loch provides the link between Lochmaben and Lochmaben Castle and covers 800 years of local history.
Castle Loch has special environmental designations. A Site of Special Scientific Interest(SSSI), a Special Protected Area(SPA) and designation under the Ramsar Convention as a wetland of international importance. Some 200 species of bird have been recorded on and around the Loch with occasional sightings of osprey. Otters are Loch residents.
The Trust intend to extend the existing footpath round the Loch creating a 4.5 km walk including footbridge, fence the roadside and provide interpretation boards along the walk. The property includes Lochfield Cottage on the side of the busy A709 and the Trustees will develop a series of possible plans for developing the property for the benefit of the community.
The post holder will be expected to engage the community, raise awareness of the environmental value of the Castle Loch and implement the Trust proposals for development of the Loch.
For more information and an application form please contact us