The continued support of the people of Lochmaben, Royal Four Towns, Templand and their visitors, is essential to the conservation of this special place. One simple way of helping is to sign up as a member, it is free, and the memberships help us show future donors and funders the level of community support for the project. Members are eligible to attend the AGM each March and residents of Lochmaben, Four Royal Towns, Templand have voting rights.
You can join in one of two ways click here to fill out our online form or download our Castle Loch Membership form and send to the address shown in the form.
Data Use: Castle Loch Lochmaben Community Trust (CLLCT) will use the information you supply for administrative purposes within the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation (2018). We shall contact you from time to time about the project via the details provided. Your personal data will never be supplied to any third parties unless expressly stated on the form eg anonymous collated data for funding bodies.